The Story of a Photographer

Hello! My name is Sarah Wyndham! I'm a photographer, animal lover, wife and most important, a mother! Born and raised in Palmetto, I have loved photography since I was kid running around with disposable cameras and my moms 1970 Minolta camera. I went to University of North Florida in Jacksonville to further my education in photography where I perfected my craft further and learned the artistic and technical side of photography. I have photographed everything from weddings, to seniors, to boudoir and everything in between but I found my niche in maternity, newborn and family photography. I love capturing these amazing memories and watching your beautiful family grow!

I live in Riverview, FL with my husband and three kids, Hunter, Nova and Mason, and my three fur babies! As an artist my nature, I love any kind of crafts, painting, sewing, gardening etc. If I'm not doing photography, I am running to my daughters soccer games, my sons baseball games or we are relaxing in the lazy river at Adventure Island!

Now that you know a little bit of my story, let's hear yours!!